Matlab’s license function returns the primary license number/ID used by Matlab, but no information about the various toolboxes that may be installed. The ver function returns a bit more information, listing the version number and installation date of installed toolboxes (even user toolboxes, such as my IB-Matlab toolbox). However, no additional useful information is provided beyond that:
>> license ans = 835289 >> ver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version: (R2016b) MATLAB License Number: 835289 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) Java Version: Java 1.7.0_60-b19 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version 9.1 (R2016b) Curve Fitting Toolbox Version 3.5.4 (R2016b) Database Toolbox Version 7.0 (R2016b) Datafeed Toolbox Version 5.4 (R2016b) Financial Instruments Toolbox Version 2.4 (R2016b) Financial Toolbox Version 5.8 (R2016b) GUI Layout Toolbox Version 2.2.1 (R2015b) Global Optimization Toolbox Version 3.4.1 (R2016b) IB-Matlab - Matlab connector to InteractiveBrokers Version 1.89 Expires: 1-Apr-2018 Image Processing Toolbox Version 9.5 (R2016b) MATLAB Coder Version 3.2 (R2016b) MATLAB Report Generator Version 5.1 (R2016b) Optimization Toolbox Version 7.5 (R2016b) Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 6.9 (R2016b) Statistical Graphics Toolbox Version 1.2 Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 11.0 (R2016b) >> v = ver v = 1×16 struct array with fields: Name Version Release Date >> v(1) ans = struct with fields: Name: 'Curve Fitting Toolbox' Version: '3.5.4' Release: '(R2016b)' Date: '25-Aug-2016' >> v(8) ans = struct with fields: Name: 'IB-Matlab - Matlab connector to InteractiveBrokers' Version: '1.89' Release: 'Expires: 1-Apr-2018' Date: '02-Feb-2017'
It is sometimes useful to know which license number “owns” which product/toolbox, and the expiration date is associated with each of them. Unfortunately, there is no documented way to retrieve this information in Matlab – the only documented way is to go to your account section on the MathWorks website and check there.
Luckily, there is a simpler way that can be used to retrieve additional information, from right inside Matlab, using matlab.internal.licensing.getFeatureInfo:
>> all_data = matlab.internal.licensing.getFeatureInfo all_data = 23×1 struct array with fields: feature expdate keys license_number entitlement_id >> all_data(20) ans = struct with fields: feature: 'optimization_toolbox' expdate: '31-mar-2018' keys: 0 license_number: '835289' entitlement_id: '1409891' >> all_data(21) ans = struct with fields: feature: 'optimization_toolbox' expdate: '07-mar-2017' keys: 0 license_number: 'DEMO' entitlement_id: '3749959'
As can be seen in this example, I have the Optimization toolbox licensed under my main Matlab license (835289) until 31-mar-2018, and also licensed under a trial (DEMO) license that expires in 3 weeks. As long as a toolbox has any future expiration date, it will continue to function, so in this case I’m covered until March 2018.
We can also request information about a specific toolbox (“feature”):
>> data = matlab.internal.licensing.getFeatureInfo('matlab') data = 3×1 struct array with fields: feature expdate keys license_number entitlement_id >> data(1) data = struct with fields: feature: 'matlab' expdate: '31-mar-2018' keys: 0 license_number: '835289' entitlement_id: '1409891'
The drawback of this functionality is that it only provides information about MathWorks’ toolbox, not any user-provided toolboxes (such as my IB-Matlab connector, or MathWorks’ own GUI Layout toolbox). Also, some of the toolbox names may be difficult to understand (“gads_toolbox” apparently stands for the Global Optimization Toolbox, for example):
>> {all_data.feature} ans = 1×23 cell array Columns 1 through 4 'curve_fitting_toolbox' 'database_toolbox' 'datafeed_toolbox' 'distrib_computing_toolbox' Columns 5 through 8 'distrib_computing_toolbox' 'excel_link' 'fin_instruments_toolbox' 'financial_toolbox' Columns 9 through 15 'gads_toolbox' 'gads_toolbox' 'image_toolbox' 'image_toolbox' 'matlab' 'matlab' 'matlab' Columns 16 through 20 'matlab_coder' 'matlab_coder' 'matlab_report_gen' 'matlab_report_gen' 'optimization_toolbox' Columns 21 through 23 'optimization_toolbox' 'optimization_toolbox' 'statistics_toolbox'
A related undocumented builtin function is matlab.internal.licensing.getLicInfo:
% Information on a single toolbox/product: >> matlab.internal.licensing.getLicInfo('matlab') ans = struct with fields: license_number: {'835289' 'Prerelease' 'T3749959'} expiration_date: {'31-mar-2018' '30-sep-2016' '07-mar-2017'} % Information on multiple toolboxes/products: >> matlab.internal.licensing.getLicInfo({'matlab', 'image_toolbox'}) % cell array of toolbox/feature names ans = 1×2 struct array with fields: license_number expiration_date % The full case-insensitive names of the toolboxes can also be used: >> matlab.internal.licensing.getLicInfo({'Matlab', 'Image Processing toolbox'}) ans = 1×2 struct array with fields: license_number expiration_date % And here's how to get the full list (MathWorks products only): >> v=ver; data=matlab.internal.licensing.getLicInfo({v.Name}) data = 1×16 struct array with fields: license_number expiration_date
I have [still] not found any way to associate a user toolbox/product (such as my IB-Matlab) in a way that will report it in a unified manner with the MathWorks products. If anyone finds a way to do this, please do let me know.
p.s. – don’t even think of asking questions or posting comments on this website related to illegal uses or hacks of the Matlab license…